Washing in bed
For effective body hygiene
With our mobile bed shower, bedridden persons can be showered or washed in their existing care bed without much effort. The integrated heater ensures a constantly warm and pleasant water temperature. This finally puts an end to washing in bed with only a flannel.
Body hygiene with a shower in bed is much more effective than it is possible with a flannel. In addition, running water is a benefit for the body and flatters the soul. Experience the difference and an increase in the feeling of being alive with running water. Whether for washing in bed or simply for a refreshing shower with cooler water in summer. From a therapeutic point of view, running water is very useful and should be used much more.

Nothing beats the feeling of being freshly showered. Especially in case of illness.
Do you have any questions about our products?
If you have any questions about our HEIWASCH bed shower system, please do not hesitate to contact us. Or download our brochure with further information as a PDF.